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The Beta Switch

Today I’m going to reveal the hidden research that explains why women struggle with stubborn fat, especially on the hips, thighs and bum… More importantly, you’ll discover a breakthrough tip used by the women featured on this page to literally “flip the switch” that releases the trapped fat in your most embarrassing trouble spot fat zones…

If you take nothing else from this report, simply start using this odd fat-burning trick today, and you can expect your jeans to fit looser in as little as one week… And you’ll be showing off your shapely bum and thighs in your “skinny jeans” in less than a month.

[…you know what I mean, the one’s sitting in your closet that you’ve given up on…] Now, I know this sounds like a bold claim, yet I promise you’ll soon understand how quickly and easily this will happen for you, like it has for all the other women just like you on this page. So keep reading…

This System Works For ANY Woman

I’m also going to tell you why you MUST continue to enjoy your favorite foods in order to turn on this near-instant fat-burning switch… And more importantly, how depriving yourself, or doing too much exercise, will automatically switch it off — and may even steal fat from one area of your body and re-store it on your most stubborn fat zones!… Listen, you probably think you’ve heard or read it all when it comes to losing weight…

Yet I guarantee that you have never heard the somewhat unusual tip I’m about to reveal, that is absolutely guaranteed to finally release the trapped fat in your thighs, butt, hips, belly and even the back of your arms… You will be shocked by the little known fat burning “switch” you’re about to discover. Just be sure to read this brand new report now, because it definitely won't be online for long.

Most women have have lost faith in their ability to slim down the stubborn fat on their thighs, hips, butt or the backs of their arms… Maybe you’ve felt this before too?… You go on a “diet” and lose a bunch of weight, yet when you look in the mirror your “trouble spots” actually look WORSE… And there’s no way you’re fitting back into the “skinny jeans” waiting for you in the closet. Truth is, you may have actually stored MORE fat on your troublesome fat zones, even as you lost weight from other parts of your body! Sounds crazy right?…

Now, You Can Finally Take Control

There’s even a name for it… Female-Pattern Fat Storage. And it’s caused by something called “adrenorecptors” on your fat cells. You’ve got two kinds… Your Beta receptors are the good guys — they trigger fat burning… Your Alpha receptors are naughty — they trigger fat storage!… Now the bad news… It’s now clear that women have 9X more Alpha receptors on their stubborn fat!… Worse…

Common nutrition advice and excessive exercise can actually trigger your Alpha receptors and suppress your Beta receptors — causing you to strip fat from your easy-to-lose areas and re-store it on your trouble spots. Uh oh!… My good friend and Australian body transformation specialist Sue Heintze battled with this for years… In fact, when she was in her teens, her mom and sister used to tease her: “Sue, you’re bum is getting big…” That lead to decades of battling body image issues, and lead her to become a fitness competitor and one of the most sought after female fatloss experts in the world…

Yet she still battled with stubborn bum and thigh fat until she stumbled on some hidden research that revealed the connection between your Beta receptors and the solution to trouble spot fat… Since then, she has tested and perfected it on herself and thousands of women via her books and programs. You can meet some of those women on this page. Now, she is finally ready to release the full system! It’s called The Beta Switch. And it’s the only complete weight loss lifestyle for women that specifically targets your female-pattern fat by switching on the fat-burning power of your Beta receptors, without restricting your favorite foods or doing excessive exercise.

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